
The New Testament book of Hebrews gives a fascinating and in-depth look at what it means to be a Christian, and how our faith is built on the history of God's dealing with the children of Israel. The thread running throughout is the absolute supremacy and sufficiency of Jesus Christ as the revealer and mediator of God's grace. As we work through the book, we will see how He is the fulfilment of what went before. His life and sacrificial death on our behalf offers a "new and living way" to understand and know God himself. The author concludes by reminding his readers that faith requires perseverence and demands a lifestyle that reflects our words.

Hebrews is a lengthy book with a lot of content. And the sermons can only begin to explore the passage for each week, so there is plenty of scope for home group and personal study to dig in further! Why not get involved and find out what God wants to teach you from Hebrews?

Date Title Passage Download
Sep 1 2019 Introduction 1:1-4 MP3
Sep 8 Christ is superior to angels 1:4 - 2:18 MP3
Sep 29 Christ is superior to Moses 3:1 - 4:13 MP3
Oct 13 Christ is superior to Aaron 4:14 - 6:20 MP3
Oct 27 A better covenant 7:1 - 8:13 MP3
Nov 24 A better sanctuary 9:1-12 MP3
Dec 15 A better sacrifice 9:12 - 10:18 MP3
Jan 26 2020 Persevere in obedience 10:19-39 MP3
Feb 2 Persevere in faith 11:1 - 12:3 MP3
Feb 9 Persevere through hardships 12:4-13 Missing - sorry!
Feb 23 Remember God is holy 12:14-29 MP3
Mar 1 Remember to love one another 13:1-19 MP3
Mar 8 Remember all that has been written 13:20-25 MP3