

We are an independent evangelical church family located on the south side of Bath in England.

Have a look around to find out who we are, what we believe, when we meet, and lots more!

We meet in a fairly informal style, sitting around small tables with tea & coffee which is available before the morning worship begins. The main focus is the worship of our Lord Jesus, and hearing Bible-based teaching to help us in our daily lives. Alongside that there is plenty of opportunity to catch up with one another and share in the highs and lows of our lives.

For the latest news and updates follow us on social media via Facebook or Instagram.


Our current Bible teaching series

What is the book of Exodus all about? Is there more to it than just some great stories for Sunday School? The narrative spans some of the most momentous events in the history of the nation of Israel, and describes many incidents to which we can relate even today. But more than that, the account in Exodus of God's deliverance of his people from slavery contains many pointers foreshadowing God's ultimate deliverance through the sacrifice and death of the Lord Jesus. Join us this summer on a journey to freedom.
Sladebrook Church
239 Englishcombe Lane, Bath