
A typical Sunday morning...

People tend to start gathering from about 10:15am onwards. There is no particular "dress code", all are welcome! The service starts at 10:30am; the person leading the service (normally one of the elders) welcomes everyone, gives out any notices, and then usually announces the first song. The words are projected onto a screen so we don't need hymn books! People normally stand up to sing but if you are unable to do so, that's fine too.

As the service progresses there are further songs and prayers, as we believe that talking to God is an essential part of our life together as Christians. There will usually be a short children's talk or activity, then they head out to the rooms at the back of the church for their own Junior Church activities.

At various times during the service we will read from the Bible. We normally use the New International Version (NIV) and copies are available in the church for you to use.

Usually by around 11am the service leader will hand over to the preacher for the rest of the service, who will then talk for about 30 minutes, exploring what the Bible passage for the day says and what it means for us today. The service usually finishes between 11:30 and 11:45 and is followed by coffee / tea and an opportunity to talk to one another.

Several times each month the morning service will include communion; you can find the details on the diary page. It is not our practice to take up a collection during the service; there are boxes at the back of the church for freewill offerings, and our treasurer is always happy to chat about setting up direct bank payments!

We look forward to meeting you!