
What is the book of Exodus all about? Is there more to it than just some great stories for Sunday School? The narrative spans some of the most momentous events in the history of the nation of Israel, and describes many incidents to which we can relate even today. But more than that, the account in Exodus of God's deliverance of his people from slavery contains many pointers foreshadowing God's ultimate deliverance through the sacrifice and death of the Lord Jesus. Join us this summer on a journey to freedom.

Date Title Passage Speaker Listen
May 26 2024 Man on the run Exodus 1-2 Chris Martin MP3
Jun 2 Holy ground Exodus 3-4 Andy Battle MP3
Jun 23 A plague on your house Exodus 6:28-11:10 Adam Rose MP3
Jun 30 Passover Exodus 12 Nigel White MP3
Jul 7 Through the waters Exodus 14-15 Steve Loader MP3
Jul 28 Merciful provision Exodus 16-17 Neil Willoughby MP3
Aug 4 The Holy God Exodus 19-20 John Martin MP3
Aug 11 Golden Calf Exodus 32-33:6 Chris Martin MP3
Aug 18 The face of God Exodus 33:7-34:35 Howard Jackson MP3
Aug 25 Earthly tabernacle Exodus 40 Paul Brind MP3